Special thanks to everyone in Theatre who read for us today, you are all so awesome. Here's what I've got planned for this week:
Mon, 3/16: Welcome back! Discussion on the Weather Journal in progress.
We'll read Mallery Avidon's play in class, together. BRING YOUR COPY WITH YOU.
Wed, 3/18:
Bibliography (for your Proposed Land Use Action site/research project) DRAFT due, with three examples of your
Weather Journal as well. We'll be working with the weather journal entries deeply in class, exploring them, rewriting them, adding, subtracting, changing. Depending on time, I may also begin screening Dark Days. Reading assignment: William Whyte,
Undesirables, Peter Marin,
Helping and Hating the Homeless.Fri, 3/20: Film:
Dark Days, dir. Mark Singer, 2000. Following this (or maybe half of this, depending on time), you'll be breaking into groups of two or three and going to tour one of the Proposed Land Use Action sites you've identified. The tour (depending on your role, obviously) will be the subject of a short writing piece, due Monday. If you are leading the tour, you can revise your preliminary draft, adding to the experience, locating any difficulties with the experience, completely retooling as necessary. If you are being toured, you'll be recording the experience, trying to describe and explain what you saw and how you saw it.