Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wednesday, March 25

We're meeting tomorrow at Kerry Hall for a walk down to The Egan House. Information on the location (and image) courtesy Historic Seattle here.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Week of March 23rd

Mon, 3/23:
DUE: Writing on your tour. Over the weekend you were encouraged to take someone on a tour of your chosen site. The intention here is two-fold: first, to think of this writing as a revision based on experiential research in the field, where you are designing your writing in conversation with other people (collaborators?). Second, to see the tour as an opening version into a project about/on the site. Like the Reverse Charrette project that came before it, and the charrette project that preceded that, the last few weeks of this course will be in development of a project that you make, built around your experiences with your location. It doesn't have to be a historical account of the site, but hopefully it will unfold the place and it's forgotten or overlooked aspects. 

In-class: Discussion on Dark Days and Peter Marin's Helping and Hating the Homeless.

Wed, 3/25: Tour Egan House with Stella, TBA

Fri, 3/27: Seattle Central Library, Database training and history, TBA

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tomten album released

We're listening to the new Tomten album right now, and it's amazing. We're trying to place their sound and think it lies somewhere in the nether region between Bryan Ferry/Roxy Music, Peter Sarstedt, Waylon Jennings, Yoko Ono, Cornelius, and Beck (the Mutations era).  Here is a link to their myspace page, and if you haven't seen the images of their performance in Room 303 last December, check them out here

Friday, March 13, 2009

Post-Spring Break

Special thanks to everyone in Theatre who read for us today, you are all so awesome. Here's what I've got planned for this week:

Mon, 3/16: Welcome back! Discussion on the Weather Journal in progress.
We'll read Mallery Avidon's play in class, together. BRING YOUR COPY WITH YOU.

Wed, 3/18: Bibliography (for your Proposed Land Use Action site/research project) DRAFT due, with three examples of your Weather Journal as well. We'll be working with the weather journal entries deeply in class, exploring them, rewriting them, adding, subtracting, changing. Depending on time, I may also begin screening Dark Days. Reading assignment: William Whyte, Undesirables, Peter Marin, Helping and Hating the Homeless.

Fri, 3/20: Film: Dark Days, dir. Mark Singer, 2000. Following this (or maybe half of this, depending on time), you'll be breaking into groups of two or three and going to tour one of the Proposed Land Use Action sites you've identified. The tour (depending on your role, obviously) will be the subject of a short writing piece, due Monday. If you are leading the tour, you can revise your preliminary draft, adding to the experience, locating any difficulties with the experience, completely retooling as necessary. If you are being toured, you'll be recording the experience, trying to describe and explain what you saw and how you saw it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tacoma Underground

In the wake of our recent Seattle Underground Tour, it seems prescient to note that The Weekly Volcano just wrote their cover story on the possible routes through/under Tacoma. Shanghai? Speakeasy? Drugs? Heating? Students? You name it, it's probably somewhere under The City of Destiny. 
The article is here