Saturday, January 26, 2008

Boomtown 1890, Boomtown 1990

These just seemed to go together after our discussion. MOHAI Rules.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Where Is It?

Please post the physical description of your site as a comment here (a link to Google Maps would be helpful, but is not required).

Also, please see the calendar below (or linked at right) for a fuller explanation of the initial writings due Monday. And for those of you new to navigating the blog, if you click on the "Spring 2008" calendar link, it will open a new window to that link only. To return to the main blog page, simple click on the header ("Notice of Proposed Land Use Action" title) and you will return to the main blog page.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I just came across this on Artforum's website, and well, it seems like something we might want to discuss...


In a move that recalls Abu Dhabi's plans to open its own branch of the Louvre, the neighboring Dubai has announced plans to build its own version of the French city of Lyon in the desert. As Le Monde's Sophe Landrin reports, the architectural replica will consist of a thousand-acre miniature based on "the spirit" of Lyon and will include municipal cultural and educational attractions, including the fabric museum, the university, the Lumière Institute, the institute of the chef Paul Bocuse, and even the soccer club Olympique Lyonnais.

The ambitious project—to be completed in four years—is the brainchild of Buti Saeed Al Ghandi, the chairman of the Emivest, Dubai's biggest investor. According to Landrin, Al Ghandi is said to have "fallen in love" with Lyon, the former capital of Gaul. An initial agreement was signed last week between Al Ghandi, the city, and the various institutions involved. While the inspiration has been found, it's not yet clear on what castles of sand Lyon-Dubai will be built.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Proposed Land Use Action CALENDAR

Week 1
Mon, 1/14: introduction, syllabus overview
Wed, 1/16: field trip, Consolidated Works
Fri, 1/18: Tour Paramount Theatre, 2 pm

Week 2
Mon, 1/21: NO CLASS, MLK JR. DAY

Wed, 1/23:
*Writing assignment DUE MONDAY, 1/28:
Roughly 3 pages introducing your chosen site to your audience--

Where is it?
Why are you drawn to it and how did you first encounter it?
What processes are you finding helpful (or difficult) in researching and translating your experiences into writing?

Specifically, spend some time describing your process (perhaps this could be collected notes that accompany the deeper writing), explaining how and where you are locating information. Are you spending time in the library? Photographing on location? Interviewing? Drawing? Moving in space? Listening to music?

What types of writing are you finding to be most useful in describing or explaining your attraction to this location? Then, in line with these questions, spend some time writing about questions that you may have for both a reader as well as a potential collaborator (remember, we'll be passing these collections around to other members of the class once we get a little deeper into the writing).

*Reading for Monday: CLUI, excerpts from Overlook (handout in class)

Fri, 1/25: MOHAI (see link at right)-- Meet at MOHAI at 2 pm

Week 3
Debriefing on Paramount Theatre, discuss articles/handouts: Susan Mitchell's "Notes on Scaffolding" and article from New Yorker, look at writings on chosen sites
Reading: Jane Jacobs for Friday
Wed, 1/30: Continue discussion on readings, targeting links to writings (scaffolding)
Fri, 2/1: Seattle Central Library TBA

Week 4
Mon, 2/4: Research overview with Heather Shepherd
Wed, 2/6: Writing 2 due (see recent posting)
Design research model, meeting in MC 1
Reading discussion: OMA/LMN Process Book
Fri, 2/8: Class meeting in Cornish Library

Week 5
Mon, 2/11: Class discussion on Rugoff, Coolidge
Wed, 2/13: Writing 3 due, see recent post
Fri, 2/15: Seattle Underground Tour, meet at 2pm, $8.00 per person

Week 6
Wed, 2/20: Writing 4 due, see list
read from student papers/peer review of paper on "context", discuss portfolio/annotated bibliography development
Caleb Penn's play at Freehold, 7:30 pm
Fri, 2/22:
Proposed Land Use Action site-- use Amanda's site
Cluster meeting at 2:30, reading of Mallery's play

Week 7
Mon, 2/25: Class discussion, Writing 5 due
Wed, 2/27: Cluster meeting with Caleb Penn
Fri, 2/29: Bring Portfolio with annotated bibliography, peer evaluation of works

Week 8
Mon, 3/3: Discuss articles in Reader-- "How Buildings Learn", ch.1, ch. 2
Wed, 3/5: Individual meetings, see list in class
Fri, 3/7: Individual meetings, see list

Week 9

Week 10
Mon, 3/17
Discussion with in-class writing:
1. List of questions for potential thesis (due at beginning of class Wednesday)
2. Types of writing for the main research component
3. Mid-term assessment
Reading assignment: Jane Jacobs, "Sidewalks" (course reader), to discuss Wednesday

Wed, 3/19
WRITING DUE: Describe the sidewalk that we utilized on Monday to get to the AVA & Camlin. How did we navigate it? Who used it along with us? What do we pass? How is the path maintained? What does it tell us about the neighborhood? At least one long, powerful paragraph describing the area and explaining your experiences there
1. Jacobs reading, as above
2. Peer response to writings, synthesizing Jacobs reading!

Fri, 3/21
Research in teams, going to one of your locations-- one person leads, one person gets the tour, both of you write a response to the experience, history of the location may be integrated here, in multiple ways...
Reading assignment for Monday: Victor Burgin, from Some Cities

Week 11
Mon, 3/24 Discussion
1. Field research from last week, what was the experience of guiding/being guided?
2. Thesis development, list of possible topics to pursue (more developed)
IN-CLASS WRITING-- Responding to the Burgin excerpt, write about a city that you thought of or imagined during the reading, discussing the links of your city to the Burgin descriptions
Reading assignment for Wednesday: Peter Marin, "Helping and Hating the Homeless"

Wed, 3/26
1. Thesis-- What unites all of the writings you've done on your site/neighborhood/history/region/personal experiences? What tone are you setting for a reader with the organization and progression of the works?
2. Marin reading, and homeless community in relation to your sites, as possible
Reading assignment: Lewis Mumford, from "The Disappearing City"

Fri, 3/28
Research in teams, going to one of your locations (the other one)-- one person leads, one person gets the tour, both of you write a response to the experience

Week 12
Mon 3/31
1. Field research from last week, what was the experience of guiding/being guided?
2. Mumford reading
Reading assignment: Kevin Lynch, from "The Image of the City"

Wed 4/2
Writing due (Thesis, with abstract DRAFT VERSION)
2. How to utilize the library for this project; what do you need to do to scaffold the experience this Friday?

Fri, 4/4 Cluster meeting at Seattle Central Library, specifics to follow

Week 13
Mon 4/7
1. Lynch reading from course reader)
View DVD: Vertigo
Write a response both to the film, as well as Victor Burgin's notes (handout in class)

Wed, 4/9:
Discussion: compare Burgin, Vertigo
View DVD: Vertigo
Discussion of film, reading papers

Fri, 4/11:
Look at portfolio development
Field work, time permitting

Week 14
Mon, 4/14:
Writing due, In-class writing workshop
Discuss abstracts (read aloud), bibliography,

Wed, 4/16:
Cluster meeting with Tonya Lockyer TBA
Reading assignment, Kevin Lynch, Image of the City (excerpt)

Fri, 4/18:
Discuss Kevin Lynch
In-class reading: Waiting for Godot

Week 15
Mon, 4/21: Organize portfolios, with peer evaluations/suggestions
In-class reading: Waiting for Godot

Wed, 4/23:
Field work: Pioneer Square, UPS park, King Street Building, Tashiro Kaplan

Fri, 4/25: PORTFOLIO DUE, include Self-evaluation (as introduction)
Discuss portfolios, and design schedule for focus group meetings on Monday and Wednesday of next week

Week 16


Fri, 5/2: Cluster meeting. BRING FOOD!

Friday, January 4, 2008