Monday, March 3, 2008

Mid-term conference schedule REVISED

Unless otherwise noted, individual conferences will run approximately 15 minutes. These meetings are designed to be informal conversations-- a chance for us to sit down and discuss you progress and work in the course. If there are specific readings, writings, or discussion topics you would like to focus on, please email me ahead of time, so that I can prepare.
For those of you not in class on Monday, your scheduled conferences are obviously tentative, and need to be confirmed. If you are unable to make your scheduled appointment, please let me know and I'll be happy to sit down with you outside of class. Thanks,

Wednesday, 3/5
4:15 Ryan
4:30 Corey
4:45 Robert
5:00 Graham
5:15 Lindsay TBA
5:30 Nick
5:45 Kati
6:00 Kelly

Friday, 3/7
1:30 Cara
1:45 Julian
2:00 Maia
2:15 Amanda
2:30 Alex
2:45 Jason
3:00 Taylor TBA
3:15 Akasha TBA
3:30 Katherine TBA
3:45 Jake TBA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I snag the 3pm on Friday instead....?