Monday, March 31, 2008

My thesis is

As a comment on this posting, please include either your thesis topic, or questions (likes the ones we shared in class last week) that you will likely be pursuing in your research. For Wednesday, please come prepared with both your thesis (the topic you plan to pursue) and an rough draft of the abstract for your project. Typically, the abstract accompanies your research, and is written after the fact (although it is meant to be read before the research document and frequently contains numerous keywords). For our purposes (and given the time constraints on your project development), you will be writing your abstract alongside your research paper. It will function as both informative and descriptive of your research packet.

HERE is a link to an article from Philip Koopman (from Carnegie-Mellon, 1997), entitled (you guessed it) "How to Write an Abstract". Also,

HERE is a link to similar information from George Mason University (but the blue band in the middle of the online document kinda makes it annoying to read).


Anonymous said...

I am planning on pursuing the question of how the places we've been affect the ways we navigate a new space.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Said...

Thesis: Looking at how the new design of the future building will possibly impact the surrounding area, in what ways, what views, and will there be a chain reaction, is this part of a chain reaction?

Anonymous said...

How is Seattle's History effecting today's housing market?

Anonymous said...

I would like to explore the impact of ConWorks on the Seattle arts community.

alexander said...

why do you always have to pay to park? isnt it enough that you already spent almost 100 dollars filling up your tank for the past 10 days? is the economy suffering so much that you have to pay this extra money?(bottom line, whats up with the money needs and requirments of seattle?)

Anonymous said...

What role does a someone's upbringing and relationship with family members play in their chances of becoming homeless? Also, how does a person's sense of a world community and connection to a God/Ultimate/Energy of some kind factor into that?


Anonymous said...

Amanda Jane Lewis posted, "thesis":

Our use of land says a lot about who we are. More than arguments pounded home in courtrooms and stakes driven into the ground, land use is the place where histories, interests and visions of the future intersect, too often with defected results.Our various views of the land arise from conflicting narratives, reflected in the language we use: homes/investments, park/development,wilderness/property.

Whatever direction we as a society decide to take, there can be no question regarding the impact of our human behavior on each other and the land on which we live. In this integrated, interdependent world, all signs point to the wisdom of collecting our best thinkers and trying to plan for the future. The future of sustainability.

jake said...

My thesis is going to touch on the fact of is it necessary to do what the city is doing on the large scale that it is doing it on.

Anonymous said...

By Cara My thesis is how Seattle makes being homeless easy enough for so many people to "choose" to be homeless.

Anonymous said...

How is the new Luxury condo developments affecting the local lower class living and how are they interacting?


Anonymous said...

By Julian
Is there enough of the original Camlin left to still consider it the "Camlin"?

Anonymous said...

thesis: does the way that cities are stuck into a organized grid-like format arrest our society into a jail. do we as indivisuals have free will and input in the directions are lives head or is it all predetermined?

alexander said...

off subject, but i have a noon concert on friday. i dont know what time exactly im playing but it would be cool for some of the peeps to be there. good night everyone!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I know this is super duper late BUT...

My thesis is to look into how the mass changes Seattle is undergoing is affecting those living here. (With a strong concentration on my own personal experiences as a student in the city.)
