Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ann's I.D. essay

here is a little taste of my essay.

Gambling, Violence and the International District
By: Ann Hoyer

The International District of Seattle has a long history of violence, the most extraordinary example of violence happened in 1983, in the alley of Maynard Street in the well known after-hours gambling house called the Wah Mee Club. The Wah Mee Massacre, also known as the Chinatown Massacre took thirteen lives. However long before the Wah Mee Massacre, the International district was not exactly a peaceful melting pot Asian cultures. Violence and crimes such as the murder of Police Officer Charles Legate, in 1922, and even before that with the murder of Guichi Inoue, a Japanese wrestler in 1910, has caused unrest in Chinatown. Evidence shows that this distrust amongst citizens law enforcement in the International District is closely tied-in to the underground gambling industry and the greed that comes with it.

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